Bildereinfügung durch Blogger.Die Liste: Deutsche Soros-Agenten im EU-Parlament
ALBRECHT Jan Philipp Greens/EFA Germany (Returning) LIBE (Vice-Chair) Israel Background • Studied law and European politics; MEP since 2009. • Interested in data protection (rapporteur for a key file during the previous term, intends to continue working on it); civil liberties; police and surveillance issues; transparency, particularly in lobbying and EU lawmaking. • Recognised as Parliament’s lead speaker on issues of data protection. Details @ ( +32 2 284 50 60 * ASP 5 F 343 7
BROK Elmar EPP Germany (Returning) AFET (Chair) EMPL India Background • Journalist and political communication specialist; involved in his party since 1973; MEP since 1980; European Parliament representative in various intergovernmental conferences on EU treaties (Maastricht, 1994-1995; Amsterdam, 1996-1997; Nice, 2000; Constitutional Treaty, 2003-2004; Lisbon, 2007); chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs (1999-present); chair of the European Parliament delegation to the USA (2009-2012). • Interested in foreign affairs; security and defence policy; European integration; constitutional affairs. • The European Parliament’s most senior voice on foreign affairs; systematically involved in both his group and the Parliament’s high-level foreign affairs matters; historical (15 years and counting) but politically partial chairmanship; socially conservative; only gave up a top corporate position at Bertelsmann in 2011. Details @ ( +32 2 284 53 23 * ASP 5 E 240
BUCHNER Klaus Greens/EFA Germany (First mandate) AFET DROI SEDE INTA Background • University professor; involved in a small ecological party (ÖDP) since 1983. • Only MEP from ÖDP, a different party than Germany’s main Greens/EFA member party; might grow isolated; his influence will depend on his capacity to build alliances. Details @ ( +32 2 284 57 39 * ASP 4 E 205 7
CRAMER Michael Greens/EFA Germany (Returning) FYROM Background • Teacher; regional MP in Berlin (1989-2004); MEP since 2004; chair of the Committee on Transport and Tourism (2014-present). • Interested in transport policy; post-Iron Curtain Europe; European integration. • Progressive voice, but may wish to focus his attention on his chairmanship of the Committee on Transport and Tourism. Details @ ( +32 2 284 57 79 * ASP 4 F 155 40
DE MASI Fabio GUE/NGL Germany (First mandate) ECON South Africa India Background • Economist and business consultant. • Interested in post-crisis economics; transparency; anti-corruption; strongly against TTIP. Details @ ( +32 2 284 56 67 * WIB 3 M 31
ERNST Cornelia GUE/NGL Germany (Returning) LIBE (Coordinator) BiH & Kosovo Background • Teacher; involved in her party since 1991; regional MP (1998-2009); MEP since 2009. • Interested in justice and home affairs; data protection; structural and regional funds; human rights, including of the Roma; gender equality. Details @ ( +32 2 284 56 60 * WIB 3 M 21 7 41
ERTUG Ismail S&D Germany (Returning) Central Asia ASEAN Background • Consultant; involved in his party since 1999; councillor (2004-2009); MEP since 2009. • Interested in EU-Turkey relations. • Previously more active in the field of transport, but may be interested in issues relating to Turkey and Central Asia. Details @ ( +32 2 284 55 47 * ASP 12 G 342 7
FLECKENSTEIN Knut S&D (Vice-Chair) Germany (Returning) AFET SEDE Russia Euronest Serbia Moldova Background • Civil servant; involved in his party since 1974; MEP since 2009; chair of the European Parliament delegation to Russia (2009-2014). • Interested in EU-Russia relations; the European Neighbourhood; foreign affairs; and culture and education. • Pragmatic and respected voice in the EU-Russia dialogue. Details @ ( +32 2 284 55 48 * ASP 12 G 305 7 42
GEBHARDT Evelyne S&D Germany (Returning) JURI ACP Background • Translator; various responsibilities in her party since 1975; chairwoman of her party’s Women’s Association (1982-1992); MEP since 1994. • Interested in consumer protection; free movement, particularly of workers; European integration; the European social model; social justice; gender equality; and human rights. • Respected voice in the Committee on Legal Affairs; critical of TTIP due to consumer protection concerns. Details @ ( +32 2 284 54 66 * ASP 12 G 306
GIEGOLD Sven Greens/EFA Germany (Returning) ECON (Coordinator) Albania Background • Economist; involved in the ecological movement since 1986; co-founded anti-globalisation NGO Attac Germany (2000); co-founded the London-based International Tax Justice Network (2002); MEP since 2009. • Very keen on tax evasion and combating tax havens; also interested in economic and monetary policy; financial regulation; transparency, particularly in the field of lobbying; and consumer protection. • Highly critical of TTIP and large trade agreements in general. Details @ ( +32 2 284 53 69 * ASP 5 F 163 7 43
GROOTE Matthias S&D Germany (Returning) REGI Belarus Background • Industrial engineer in the field of energy; various local mandates since 1996; MEP since 2005; chair of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (2012-2014). • Interested in environmental issues; public health; and food safety (S&D coordinator for this committee starting in 2014). • Interested in TTIP under the angle of drug approval and regulation; respected voice in his areas of interest. Details @ ( +32 2 284 54 31 * ASP 12 G 307 7
HÄNDEL Thomas GUE/NGL Germany (Returning) EMPL (Chair) ASEAN ACP Background • Trade unionist; managerial and executive positions in top German trade union IG Metall (1987-2012); split from the Social-Democrats (SPD) and co-founded his own party, Labour and Social Justice – The Electoral Alternative (2005, since absorbed by Die Linke); MEP since 2009. • Interested in youth unemployment; employment issues; the European social model; post-crisis economics; anti-corruption; and human rights, including of the Roma. Details @ ( +32 2 284 56 58 * WIB 3 M 59 7 44
HARMS Rebecca Greens/EFA (Co-Chair) Germany (Returning) AFET Ukraine Euronest Russia Background • Anti-nuclear activist; regional MP (1994-2004); MEP since 2004; co-chair of the Greens/EFA group since 2009. • Interested in foreign affairs; EU-Russia relations; EU-Ukraine relations; the European Neighbourhood; environmental issues; renewable energy; human rights; and gender equality. • High-profile speaker in the European Parliament. Details @ ( +32 2 284 56 95 * ASP 5 F 241 7
HEUBUCH Maria Greens/EFA Germany (First mandate) DEVE (Coordinator starting from 2015) Pan-African Parliament (Vice-Chair) ACP Background • Farmer; active in farming politics since 1984; joined her party in 2011. • Interested in agricultural and farming policy and international development. • Although she appears to have devoted her public life to farming issues, her role as group coordinator in the Committee on Development means she will become a potential ally; may also choose to invest her time in her two delegations. Details @ ( +32 2 284 53 35 * ASP 4 F 366 45
HOFFMANN Iris S&D Germany (First mandate) South Caucasus Euronest Russia Background • Business administrator; various responsibilities in her party since 1994; national MP (1998- 2009). • Interested in budgetary issues; may be a reliable progressive voice in her delegations, provided she chooses to invest time in them. Details @ ( +32 2 284 55 67 * ASP 12 G 217
KELLER Franziska Greens/EFA (Vice-Chair) Germany (Returning) INTA LIBE Turkey Background • Involved with the Young European Greens since 2001; spokesperson of the Federation of Young European Greens (2005-2007); MEP since 2009; European Green Party candidate for the European Commission presidency (2014). • Interested in international trade; EU-Turkey relations; the Western Balkans; EU enlargement; and foreign affairs. • Very critical of TTIP and the lowering of standards (consumer protection, human rights) in international trade in general. Details @ ( +32 2 284 53 79 * ASP 5 F 349 7 46
KREHL Constanze S&D Germany (Returning) REGI (Coordinator) Background • MEP since 1994; chair of the European Parliament delegation to Russia (1994-2002). • Interested in the use of structural and regional funds; the European social model; and human rights, including of the Roma. Details @ ( +32 2 284 51 34 * ASP 12 G 258 7
LAMBSDORFF Alexander (Graf) Vice-President of the European Parliament ALDE Germany (Returning) INTA AFET Turkey Israel Union for the Mediterranean Background • Political adviser in the German Federal Foreign Office; MEP since 2004; headed numerous election observation missions to Bangladesh (2007, 2009), Kenya (2008), Guinea (2010), and Libya (2012). • Interested in foreign affairs; young democracies; international trade; human rights in the world; and the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR; rapporteur for the resolution setting up this fund for the period 2014-2020 in the previous term). • May get a human rights-related Vice-President portfolio; very popular in his national party; rather senior voice in his political group; socially conservative. Details @ ( +32 2 284 51 18 * ASP 8 G 130 7 47
LANGE Bernd S&D Germany (Returning) INTA (Chair) South Africa Background • Teacher and trade unionist; party member since 1974; various party positions since 1983; MEP since 1994. • Interested in international trade; climate policy; industrial and research policy; and public services. • Rather senior voice among MEPs; will play a central role in the TTIP negotiations thanks to his chairmanship; favours a trade agreement with the USA, but against the ISDS in TTIP. Details @ ( +32 2 284 55 55 * ASP 12 G 205 7
LEINEN Jo S&D Germany (Returning) AFET ACP Background • Anti-nuclear and peace activist; held various party positions since 1977; president of the Union of European Federalists (1997-2004); MEP since 1999; chair of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs (2004-2009); chair of the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (2009-2012); president of the European Movement International (2011- present). • Interested in European integration; climate and the environment; renewable energy; foreign affairs; and the European Neighbourhood. • Long-standing pro-European; respected advocate of European federalism; acquainted to numerous pro-European politicians throughout Europe, centre-right and centre-left. Details @ ( +32 2 284 58 42 * ASP 12 G 265 7 48
LOCHBIHLER Barbara Greens/EFA Germany (Returning) DROI (Vice-Chair & Coordinator) AFET (Co-coordinator) ASEAN Maghreb Background • University lecturer; regional MP and speaker of the Bavarian state parliament (1987-1991); secretary-general of the Women’s International League for Peace’s German section (1992-1999); secretary-general of Amnesty International Germany (1999-2009); MEP since 1999; chair of the Subcommittee on Human Rights (2011-2014). • Interested in human rights in the world; gender equality; and all minority rights. • Greens/EFA spokesperson on human rights. Details @ ( +32 2 284 53 92 * ASP 5 F 157 7
LÖSING Sabine GUE/NGL Germany (Returning) SEDE (Vice-Chair & Coordinator) AFET (Coordinator) DEVE ACP Background • Social worker; involved in anti-globalisation NGO Attac since 2001; co-founded Labour and Social Justice – The Electoral Alternative (2004), later absorbed by Die Linke; MEP since 2009. • Interested in foreign affairs; security and defence policy; regional stability in African countries; human rights in the world; and gender equality. Details @ ( +32 2 284 58 94 * WIB 3 M 23 49
NEUSER Norbert S&D Germany (Returning) DEVE (Coordinator) AFET ACP Palestinian Legislative Council Background • Teacher; involved in his party since 1972 with various responsibilities; regional MP (1988- 2004); MEP since 2009. • Organised numerous student and youth exchange programmes between Germany and former-USSR countries (1982-1986, 1997- unknown); interested in European integration; international development; and the Western Sahara. Details @ ( +32 2 284 58 92 * ASP 12 G 246
REDA Julia Greens/EFA (Vice-Chair) Germany (First mandate) JURI India Background • Originally active in the Social-Democrats (SPD), but left for the Pirate Party over internet blocking debate. • Copyright reform; data protection, particularly online; transparency; asylum and migration; and pirate politics. • Only elected pirate candidate; should be expected to involve herself with files close to pirates’ heart, i.e. copyright reform, intellectual property, data protection online and open communications standards. Details @ ( +32 2 284 57 32 * ASP 5 F 158 7 50
REINTKE Terry Greens/EFA Germany (First mandate) EMPL REGI FEMM (Co-coordinator) Montenegro BiH & Kosovo Background • Involved in the youth branch of her party since 2004; co-speaker of the Federation of Young European Greens (2011-2013). • Interested in youth unemployment; youth issues; social rights; gender equality; LGBTI rights; and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Details @ ( +32 2 284 57 60 * ASP 5 F 353 7
SCHOLZ Helmut GUE/NGL Germany (Returning) INTA (Coordinator) AFET Background • Civil servant in East Germany; various posts of responsibility in left-wing parties in East Germany since 1990; MEP since 2009. • Interested in international trade; foreign affairs; EU-Russia relations; EU-Ukraine relations; and the European Neighbourhood. • Strongly against TTIP under current terms; will spearhead opposition to it and other international trade agreements on behalf of his group. Details @ ( +32 2 284 58 93 * WIB 3 M 13 51
SCHULZ Martin President of the European Parliament S&D Germany (Returning) Background • Bookseller and politician; numerous responsibilities in his party since 1991; councillor (1984-1999); mayor of Würselen (1987-1998); MEP since 1994; chair of his political group (2009-2012); president of the European Parliament since 2012; socialist candidate for the European Commission presidency (2014). • Interested in constitutional affairs; economic governance; post-crisis economics; combating the far right; human rights; and the rights of all minorities. • Extremely busy due to his institutional responsibilities, but may be approachable for high-level engagements related to combating the far right, Second World War commemoration events, or combating antisemitism. Details @ ( +32 2 284 55 03 * PHS 9 B 12 7
SIMON Peter S&D Germany (Returning) ECON (Vice-Chair) REGI Palestinian Legislative Council Background • Lawyer; civil servant in the German Foreign Office partially responsible for the drafting of the EU Constitutional Treaty (2002-2003); MEP since 2009. • Interested in economic and monetary issues; a financial transaction tax; and banking policy. Details @ ( +32 2 284 55 58 * ASP 12 G 158 7 52
SIPPEL Birgit S&D Germany (Returning) LIBE (Coordinator) EMPL Mashreq Background • Secretary; active in her party since 1982, various responsibilities since 1996; councillor (1994- 2004); MEP since 2009. • Interested in criminal justice; judicial cooperation between Member States; data protection; state surveillance issues; combating terrorism and organised crime; and asylum and migration. Details @ ( +32 2 284 55 59 * ASP 12 G 257 7
STEINRUCK Jutta S&D Germany (Returning) EMPL (Coordinator) Albania Montenegro Background • Human resources manager; various responsibilities in her party since 1996; councillor (1999-2009); regional MP (2006- 2009); MEP since 2009. • Interested in youth unemployment; employment issues; the European social model; social rights; training and education; and the use of EU funds. Details @ ( +32 2 284 55 63 * ASP 12 G 142 7 53
ZIMMER Gabriele GUE/NGL (Chair) Germany (Returning) EMPL Moldova ACP Euronest Background • Clerk and editor; active in her party since 1981; various party responsibilities since 1989; regional MP (1990-2004); MEP since 2004; chair of the GUE/NGL group since 2012. • Interested in the European social model; employment issues; combating poverty and social exclusion; gender equality; LGBTI rights; human rights, including of the Roma. • Reasonable and consensual; may be too busy for committee and delegation work due to her chairmanship—but an important progressive actor nonetheless. Details @ ( +32 2 284 51 01 * WIB 3 M 3 7
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verfasst von Albrecht, 22.02.2017, 20:15
Geleakt: Teilnehmerliste der Münchener Sicherheitskonferenz – Rothschilds, Soros, Joffe mit dabei
Teilnehmerliste der Münchener Sicherheitskonferenz, Schulz soll von den Rothschilds als ihr Kanzler aufgebaut werden
Es wird immer besser.
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